Seriously tho, how are you?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hi friends!
How have you guys been doing?
I hope all of you are staying safe at home and still sane from everything that has been happening lately.
I don't know about you, but I have been self-isolating for two months now since mid-March and it's been a bittersweet two months. There are days where I enjoy chilling at home and managing my own working hours (I still have to work from 9 to 5, but since my job is not really a work-from-home type of job, there is not much to do, hence I get to slack sometimes); there are also days where I feel like shit and eventually broke down crying because I hate this situation and I hate how some people can be so ignorant in this awful situation.

When I first got the information that my office decided to close down for a while and asked us to work from home, I was a bit shocked because it all happens too quickly. It was on Sunday and I already prepared myself mentally to go work the next day. I am the kind of person that will get annoyed at whatever changes last minute, I just don't like the idea of change okay? I am a planner. The Monday of my first work-from-home, it was weird, I was confused on what to do because we hadn't prepared for this, I think everyone in the office might be confused as well. But we figured it out eventually, I am back on scheduling clients for the online counseling/ teletherapy.

Here's a question for you: do you enjoy working from home? Because I don't, really. I got distracted almost all the time, I would be watching youtube or Netflix, mindless scrolling through Instagram, or went off reading a book and ended up neglecting incoming messages for hours. I am bad at working from home. I realized that I am bad at setting boundaries.
There are days where I would feel super productive and would actually do my work from 9-5 without slacking (okay, maybe a bit of slacking), and there are days where I would groan whenever I hear the ding sound from my phone indicating there's an incoming new message. I could just ignore it, but I can't. I'll get anxious if I didn't check the content first, and after checking it, I will be inclined to answer it because might as well. So yeah, that is pretty much how my working from home sounds like.

To be honest, working is one of the things that's been keeping me sane during self-isolating. Without it, I'm like a lost zombie, wandering around the house mindlessly. I found myself almost always looking for a new project to keep myself busy with, for example writing a blog post, reading and writing a book review, or even experimenting in drinks (matcha, dalgona coffee, etc). I just always need something to do, I can't not do anything, or else I might be stuck in the unmotivated and unproductive mode for days. Whether or not to stay productive during pandemic has been the biggest dilemma right now. People all over the internet are talking about productivity during a pandemic. I might get on with this topic for the next post because I have a lot to say (queen of ranting right here).

Anyways, work aside, I have been burying my head on books lately. This is the first time that I've read soooo many books in 2 months (many is quite relative, but to me reading 13 books in 2 months is a lot because I usually read 1 book per month). I've been working on writing the quarantine reads post but I'm kind of stuck.

I have been enrolling in an online class (free of course) as well. Since I was not paying much attention to my Introduction to Psychology class back in uni, I decided to retake the class because why not? I've got nothing else to do anyway.
I have also been working out, well at least for the first 2 weeks I have. I tried the Chloe Ting's 2 weeks shredded abs challenge, but since I couldn't do the whole 40-minute program daily, I decided to only do the 10-minute abs workout daily lol (!please don't judge me). I am not expecting much from my own body, I just don't want to feel like a sloth every day, so I squeeze in a short workout before bed, just to feel like I at least did something productive that day.

Surprisingly though, I have not been binge-watching Netflix shows. I just am not in the mood for tv shows, despite the amount of time that I currently have. Instead of Netflix, I have been watching a lot of youtube videos lately. I've been loving sunbeamsjess' vlogs, especially her 2019's vlogtober, as well as Wearilive and CatCreature's vlogs.

I guess I'll end my rant here. Too much rant and y'all will hate me lol.
See you in my next post! xx

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