About Long Distance Relastionship

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Anyone who has had a long distance relationship probably can relate to this statement: long distance relationship sucks. For those who disagree, well I can't blame you on that, everybody has different opinions about this topic.

Now, let's talk about why I think long distance relationship sucks. Firstly, you can't touch each other whenever you want, especially when you're having a bad day. I am a hugger, I love to squish my boyfriend whenever and wherever. The times that I'm likely to need his hug is when I'm having a bad day, but I can't hug him if he's miles away from me. Secondly, I hate goodbyes; I hate saying goodbye, and I hate people saying goodbyes to me. It's just so sad, don't you think? Goodbyes have never been good to me. Whenever I say goodbye, I'll always end up losing contact with that person or we are never as close as day one anymore. So, for those who hate goodbyes as much as I do, long distance relationship is not for you because you'll struggle on every goodbye, you'll never learn to get used to it. Before I started long distance relationship, I thought by having so many goodbyes that I'll get used to it, but boy was I wrong. I'll be miserable for days and cry a river whenever it's time for him or me to leave. Thirdly, thinking about the future of us together kills me. Now that I'm in my last year of university, we constantly discuss about life after uni, like where I should apply for a job so that we can be as near as possible with each other, or if I'm going to continue my study near him. It kills me that knowing I want to do the things that he wished I wouldn't do, like staying in Taiwan for a few years after uni, while he's in the UK for his master degree. We're still in the state of figuring out what's best for our future and sometimes it's just so stressful that I think of giving up. Lastly, arguing through skype is not fun. Some people may think that skype is the answer to long distance relationship, but it's not that simple guys. Talking is fine, but arguing through skype? It's a big no no. They may just end the call before you finish your argument and you probably won't hear from them for a week, and it may kill you. Silence treatment is the worst. So yeah, those are the main reasons why I think long distance relationship sucks, but there are always pros and cons to everything.

Next, I'm going to talk about the pros of long distance relationship (although there are more cons than pros, but let's be positive now guys).
1. You have more time for yourself. You know when some people get so busy being with their boyfriend that they don't have time for themselves? Well, you need not worry about having no time for yourself because that's all you have.
2. You won't lose friendships. You won't be that kind of people who abandon their friends because they only have time for their boyfriends/girlfriends.
3. You get to travel. If your partner is thousand of miles away from you, you'll get the chance to travel to his/her place.

Goodbye may be hard, but it sure has its pros to it. So if you're struggling through long distance relationship like I am, know that you're not alone and we can get through this like every other ldr couples who succeeded in ldr.
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